Restoration of Baroque halls at the Blue Stone Castle for puppet theater, regional history
and creative workshops for children and youth

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Description of the work and documentation:
Room No. 1.16 – Stone depot found in room 1.16 under the floor. The dating and the function of the stone depot is still unknown.
Room No 1.13 – The wall of the partition uncovered in room 1.13, which is probably related to the initial construction of the baroque manor house.
Remains of wood-clay objects found in the courtyard of the manor house, which probably also served for the storage of agricultural crops.

Remains of wood-clay objects found in the courtyard of the manor house, which probably also served for the storage of agricultural crops.
Finding the ceramic tile “in situ” in a layer of wood-clay objects in the courtyard.
Room No. 1.15  – Finding the remains of a mortar floor under a wooden floor

Room No. 1.15  – Remains of a probably renaissance wood-clay building discovered under the mortar floor
Room No. 1.14 – Cross-section of room 1.14 where the remains of the wood-clay building were found. At the bottom of the cross-section, 4 round holes were discovered in the east-west line.
Room 0.04  – A ditch cut in a rock cliff, which probably served to drain water from the cellar and/or food storage.

The result of the archaeological research is the discovery of a room under the entrance gate to the mansion with dimensions of approximately 4 x 4 m. Bricks marked “CPB” - Comes Pavol Balaša and dated 1767 were discovered in the vault. According to experts and identical discoveries in other castles, this is a dungeon area for serious criminals who were guarded by the castle guard.

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