● 2024.02.01 MUM LOVED GABČÍK - HraMoKaPlus

Restoration of Baroque halls at the Blue Stone Castle for puppet theater, regional history
and creative workshops for children and youth

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In the evening, a lecture by Veronika Homolová Tóth was held in the Castanea Confectionery on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. We got to know the story of Jozef Gabčík, Anna Malinová and her daughter Alenka.  Jozef Gabčík is also mentioned in textbooks for the special units. However, Anna Malinová is not mentioned there. And yet she was for Gabčík before the assassination of Heydrich, but also after it very important. She was unjustly forgotten because the Gestapo interrogation protocol was not preserved. Veronika Homolová Tóthová decided to recall this story also for the sake of Anna's daughter – Alena Voštová. She lost her mother when she was three years old and for a long time she had no idea who her real parents were. Anna joined the resistance, exposing her daughter to many hardships.

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