● 2024.03.21 WORLD PUPPET THEATRE DAY - HraMoKaPlus

Restoration of Baroque halls at the Blue Stone Castle for puppet theater, regional history
and creative workshops for children and youth

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As the only museum in Slovakia specializing in puppet theatre and toys, this year we were again 21 March marked the day dedicated to puppet theatre. Teátro Neline from Budmerice accepted the invitation to celebrate the Puppet Festival in our museum with the first grade pupils of the local primary school. The project" "Get to know each other! Meeting of Children with Inna" motivated the children to reflect and develop their personality. Inna told us her story of loneliness, overcoming fear and finding confidence in the contemporary world. After the theatrical performance, a workshop was prepared for the pupils, where under the guidance of puppeteer Petronela Dušová and artist and technologist Miroslav Duša, the children's audience got acquainted with the world of puppets and masks and tried puppet animation, mask play and shadow theatre.

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