● 2024.04.15 - 2024.04.19 2. PARTNER WORKSHOP - HraMoKaPlus

Restoration of Baroque halls at the Blue Stone Castle for puppet theater, regional history
and creative workshops for children and youth

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2024.04.15 - 2024.04.19 2. PARTNER WORKSHOP
From 15 April to 19 April 2024, the partners of the HraMoKaPlus project – representatives of Kulturproduksjoner from Norway and students of the Department of Puppetry of the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava under the guidance of the Head of the Department of Puppetry Mgr. art. Martin Dúbravay and Professor Emeritus Svein Gundersen from Kulturproduksjoner. The second partnership workshop was a follow-up to the previous meeting held in June 2023. Here, the partners worked together to prepare the artwork for the individual components. Together they made puppets, a theatre set and rehearsed a puppet theatre performance, which they presented at the final conference as one of the outputs of the HraMoKaPlus project.

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